Peabody Musketeers

Peabody, MA United States
Founded: 1960

Inactive Junior
No information available
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

The Musketeers, formed in 1960, was a junior marching and maneuvering corps based in Peabody, Massachusetts. They were affiliated with the Fidelity VFW Post 1011.

The corps’ colors were red, gold, and black.

Awards included the American Veterans States Championship in 1962, and the All American New Hampshire Championship 1962-63.

[Encyclopedia of Drum and Bugle Corps, 1966]

Members (5)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Kellerman, Arthur soprano 1960 to 1963
Mackesy, Bill French Horn 1965 to 1970
Miller, Donnie Drumline - Drum Major 1966 to 1968
Sederquist, Howard Baritone 1961
Sederquist, Howard French Horn 1962 to 1963

CORPS 1 items

Peabody Musketeers

Musketeers,Peabody,MA,Hat1-SideCap(Site)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection


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