20th Century Limited

Highland, NY United States
Founded: 1993

Inactive Alumni

CORPS Photos

Members (11)

Member Name Section Years Involved
DeCandio, Raquel Hornline 2002 to 2013
DeCandio, Raquel Operations Manager, Hornline 2014 to 2018
Guzman DeCandio, Raquel Director and Hornline 1993 to 2003
Guzman-Hulse, Raquel Director, Hornline (Soprano) 1993 to 2001
Hulse Jr, Lew Drumline 1992 to 2010
Marcojohn, Nancy Alumni Guard 2014
Parker, Bill Soprano 1991 to 1994
Pruitt, Gena Horn Line (Soprano, Bari); Staff 1993 to 2002
Rosenstein, Steve Contra 1993 to 2004
Stephens, Craig Baritone 1993 to 1995
walker, bernie baratone 2002

CORPS 1 items

20th Century Limited

20thCenturyLimited,Mid-HudsonValley,NY,Patch1-Train(Site)AA_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection Contributed by UNKNOWN