Valley Airs

Northbridge, MA United States

Inactive Alumni
2002 Lord's Prayer * Amazing Grace * Battle Hymn of the Republic * Shenandoah * America the Beautiful * Navy Hymn * American Salute * Taps  
2003 Lord's Prayer * Amazing Grace * Battle Hymn of the Republic * Shenandoah * America the Beautiful * Navy Hymn * American Salute * Taps * Nights In White Satin  
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

Members (7)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Barsano, Mike Baritone 2001
Desjardins , Ellen Bugle 1970 to 1975
Gravina, Bill Soprano 1984
Grelle, Frank Instructor 1982
Jones, Phil Soprano 1982 to 1984
Morin, Nick Drumline 1996
Simard, Rick Mellophone 1973 to 1977

CORPS 1 items

Valley Airs

ValleyAirs,Northbridge,MA,Pin1(RE-2.25)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection