Search Results (93)

Corps Name Year Song Composer
Rocky Mountain Magic 1989 Little Shop of Horrors Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Northwind 1990 Little Shop of Horrors Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Northwind 1990 The Meek Shall Inherit (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Northwind 1990 Some Fun Now (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Northwind 1990 Skid Row (Downtown) (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Southwind 1991 Fanfare (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Southwind 1991 Tour of the Kingdom (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Southwind 1991 Poor Unfortunate Souls (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Southwind 1991 Eric to the Rescue (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Southwind 1991 The Storm (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Southwind 1991 Part of Your World (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Southwind 1991 Happy Ending (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Dutch Boy 1992 Beauty and The Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
East Coast Jazz 1992 Music from Beauty and The Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Pride of Soka 1992 The Mob Song (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Pride of Soka 1992 Transformation (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken
Cardinals 1993 Seize the Day (from Newsies) Alan Menken | Jack Feldman
Cardinals 1993 Escape from Snyder (from Newsies) Alan Menken
Cardinals 1993 Carrying the Banner (from Newsies) Alan Menken | Jack Feldman
Cardinals 1993 Santa Fe (from Newsies) Alan Menken | Jack Feldman
Edmonton Strutters 1993 Prince Ali (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Edmonton Strutters 1993 A Whole New World (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Tim Rice
Lone Star 1993 Selections from Beauty and the Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Pride of Soka 1993 Prologue and Belle (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Pride of Soka 1993 The Mob Song (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Pride of Soka 1993 Transformation (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken
Blue Eagles 1994 Selections from Beauty and the Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Lone Star 1994 Don’t Feed the Plants (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Lone Star 1994 Suppertime (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Lone Star 1994 The Meek Shall Inherit (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Lone Star 1994 Somewhere That's Green (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Lone Star 1994 Suddenly Seymour (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Lone Star 1994 Mean Green Mother from Outer Space (from Little Shop of Horrors) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Phantom Legion 1994 Selections from Beauty and the Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Cadets of Dutch Boy 1995 Part of Your World (from the Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Cadets of Dutch Boy 1995 A Whole New World (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Tim Rice
Phoenix (MA) 1995 Selections from Beauty and the Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Les Sentinelles 1996 Selections from Beauty and the Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Inbhear Mor Marchers 1997 Heaven's Light/Hellfire (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Inbhear Mor Marchers 1997 The Bell Tower (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Alan Menken
Inbhear Mor Marchers 1997 Topsy Turvy (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Inbhear Mor Marchers 1997 Out There (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Yokohama Robins 1997 Prologue from Beauty and The Beast Alan Menken
Yokohama Robins 1997 Belle (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Yokohama Robins 1997 Be Our Guest (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Yokohama Robins 1997 The Mob Song (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Yokohama Robins 1997 Transformation (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken
Yokohama Robins 1997 Beauty and The Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Blue and White Stars 1998 Colors of the Wind (from Pocahontas) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Encore 1998 Overture (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Encore 1998 Storm (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Encore 1998 Dreams (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Encore 1998 Flotsam And Jetsam (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Encore 1998 Pour Unfortunate Souls (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Encore 1998 Happy Ending (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Jong Beatrix 1998 A Whole New World (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Tim Rice
Jong Beatrix 1998 Prince Ali (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Jong Beatrix 1998 Beauty and The Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Lucas Rhythm Nation 1998 Selections from Beauty and the Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
U.S. Marine Corps 1998 Colors of the Wind (from Pocahontas) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Yokohama Robins 1998 The Bells of Notre Dame (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Yokohama Robins 1998 God Help the Outcasts (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Yokohama Robins 1998 Sanctuary (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Capital Sound 2000 Carrying the Banner (from Newsies) Alan Menken | Jack Feldman
Capital Sound 2000 King of New York (from Newsies) Alan Menken | Jack Feldman
Capital Sound 2000 Santa Fe (from Newsies) Alan Menken | Jack Feldman
Capital Sound 2000 The World Will Know (from Newsies) Alan Menken | Jack Feldman
Hamilton Youth Performing Ensemble 2000 Selections from The Hunchback of Notre Dame Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Magic (UK) 2000 Selections from The Hunchback of Notre Dame Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Magic (UK) 2000 Selections from Aladdin Alan Menken | Howard Ashman | Tim Rice
Magic (UK) 2000 Selections from Beauty and the Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Allegiance Elite 2001 Prologue from Beauty and The Beast Alan Menken
Allegiance Elite 2001 Belle (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Allegiance Elite 2001 Be Our Guest (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Allegiance Elite 2001 Home (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Tim Rice
Allegiance Elite 2001 The Mob Song (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Concord 2001 Be Our Guest (from Beauty and The Beast) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Concord 2001 Under the Sea (from The Little Mermaid) Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Beatrix 2002 The Little Mermaid Howard Ashman | Alan Menken
Beatrix 2002 Beauty and The Beast Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Beatrix 2002 Pocahontas Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Beatrix 2002 The Hunchback of Notre Dame Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz
Showband Sas van Gent 2002 Arabian Nights (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman | Tim Rice
Showband Sas van Gent 2002 Friend Like Me (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Showband Sas van Gent 2002 Happy End in Agrabah (from Aladdin) Alan Menken
Blue Devils C 2004 Selections from Aladdin Alan Menken | Howard Ashman | Tim Rice
Targets 2004 Selections from Aladdin Alan Menken | Howard Ashman | Tim Rice
Staffordshire Knights 2006 Arabian Nights (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman | Tim Rice
Staffordshire Knights 2006 Friend Like Me (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Howard Ashman
Staffordshire Knights 2006 One Jump Ahead (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Tim Rice
Staffordshire Knights 2006 A Whole New World (from Aladdin) Alan Menken | Tim Rice
Blue Stars 2009 Hardin County (from Lincoln) Alan Menken
Steel City Minicorps 2015 Heaven's Light/Hellfire (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Alan Menken | Stephen Schwartz