Search Results (99)

Corps Name Year Song Composer
Freelancers 1975 Commencement (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Royal Chevaliers 1975 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Royals 1975 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Black Knights 1976 Commencement (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Freelancers 1976 Commencement (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Freelancers 1977 Quintile (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Freelancers 1977 Aspect (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Blue Devils 1979 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Cavaliers, The 1979 Cuban Fire Johnny Richards
Blue Devils 1980 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
The Cadets 1981 Adventures in Time Johnny Richards
Freelancers 1982 Recuerdos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Glassmen 1982 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Les Eclipses 1982 Cuban Fire Suite Johnny Richards
Sky Ryders 1982 Quien Sabe (Who Knows) from Cuban Fire Suite Johnny Richards
Bushwackers 1983 Quensabe Los Suertas de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Bushwackers 1983 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Glassmen 1983 Recuerdos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Les Eclipses 1983 Cuban Fire Johnny Richards
Norwood Park Imperials 1983 El Congo Valiente Johnny Richards
Sky Ryders 1983 Quien Sabe (Who Knows) from Cuban Fire Suite Johnny Richards
Bushwackers 1984 Quensabe Los Suertas de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Bushwackers 1984 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Bushwackers 1986 Quensabe Los Suertas de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Bushwackers 1986 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Suncoast Sound 1986 Commencement (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Suncoast Sound 1986 Quintile (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Suncoast Sound 1986 Artemis and Apollo (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Suncoast Sound 1986 3X3X2X2X2=72 (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Suncoast Sound 1986 Aspect (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Florida Wave 1989 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Blue Devils 1991 Commencement (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Statesmen (UK) 1991 Commencement (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Statesmen (UK) 1991 Quintile (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Statesmen (UK) 1991 Artemis and Apollo (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Blue Devils 1992 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Blue Devils 1992 Fuego Cubano (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Blue Devils 1992 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
L'Insolite 1993 3x3x2x2x2=72 Johnny Richards
Blue Devils 1995 Aspect (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
SOKA Renaissance Vanguard 1995 Commencement (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
Coachmen 1996 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
East Coast Jazz 1996 Fuego Cubano (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
East Coast Jazz 1996 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
The Brigadiers 1996 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Bushwackers 1997 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Starriders 1997 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Tarheel Sun 1997 Cuban Fire (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Tarheel Sun 1997 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Bayou City Blues 1998 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
East Coast Jazz 1998 Commencement (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards
East Coast Jazz 1998 Artemis & Apollo Johnny Richards
Generations 1998 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Tarheel Sun 1998 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
West Coast Sound 1998 Adventures in Time Johnny Richards
37th Kingswood Scouts 2000 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Rochester Crusaders 2000 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
37th Kingswood Scouts 2001 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Rochester Crusaders 2001 Fuego Cubano (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Rochester Crusaders 2001 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Rochester Crusaders 2001 Fuego Cubano (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Rochester Crusaders 2001 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Westshoremen 2001 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Westshoremen 2001 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
East Coast Jazz 2002 Aspect (from Adventures In Time) Johnny Richards
Quest 2002 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
West Virginia Sound 2002 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
West Virginia Sound 2002 Fuego Cubano (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
West Virginia Sound 2002 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Stafford Lancers 2003 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Empire Statesmen 2005 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2005 Commencement Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2005 3x3x2x2x2 = 72 Johnny Richards
Beatrix 2006 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2006 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2006 Recuerdos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2006 Quien Sabe (Who Knows) from Cuban Fire Suite Johnny Richards
San Francisco Renegades 2006 Adventures in Time Johnny Richards
Spirit of Newark/New Jersey 2006 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2007 Quensabe Los Suertas de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2007 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2007 Recuerdos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
LakeShoremen 2008 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Freelancers Alumni Corps 2009 Recuerdos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Kingston Grenadiers 2009 Cuban Fire (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Minnesota Brass 2009 Commencement Johnny Richards
Minnesota Brass 2009 Aspect Johnny Richards
Blue Devils 2010 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Genesis 2010 Quien Sabe (Who Knows) from Cuban Fire Suite Johnny Richards
Genesis 2010 La Suerte de los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Defenders Alumni 2012 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Defenders Alumni 2013 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Music City 2013 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Defenders Alumni 2014 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Colt Cadets 2015 Cuban Fire Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2015 Fuego Cubano (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2015 El Congo Valiente (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Heat Wave 2015 La Suerte de Los Tontos (from Cuban Fire Suite) Johnny Richards
Chops, Inc. 2016 Quintile (from Adventures in Time) Johnny Richards